11 Sentyabr 2021 00:34
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Azerbaijan Republic

Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project

Loan No.8286-AZ


Assignment Title: Selection of International Consultant for Seed quality control on international accreditation and ISTA compliance.  Reference No. AZ-AACD-250449-CS-INDV-B2/SC


The Government of Azerbaijan has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

The project consists of three components:

(i)  Component A - Support for sanitary and phytosanitary services, which is structured into three subcomponents: (i) Food Safety Capacity Building; (ii) Upgrading Plant Health and Phytosanitary System, and (iii) Animal Health and Veterinary Services.

(ii) Component B - Agri-food value chain development. The Component helps to develop value chains by partially financing demand-driven investment proposals. It also supports activities for improving seed varieties and quality of seeds entering the market. The activities are structured into two sub-components: (i) Investment and advisory support for agribusiness value chain development, and (ii) Seed sector development.

(iii) Component C - Financial services to agribusiness promotes growth of agribusiness/agro-food processing enterprises through a line of credit to enhance their competitiveness, increase production and improve technologies.


Project activities under sub-component B2 are coordinated with the Agrarian Service Agency, the PMU Monitoring and Evaluation specialist.


The general objective


The objective of assignment is to assess the impact of Project investments in seed production, processing, testing and certification services, which have been supported within ACIP seed sector development sub-component.


Scope of works:

* Review the current state of the seed certification system in Azerbaijan

* Assessment of central laboratories management experience and staff skills

* Conduct appropriate research and develop a Roadmap for the application of OECD schemes

* Identification of priority plants - study of the benefits and costs of OECD certification for different crops

* Development of recommendations for capacity building/training on ISTA requirements

* Developing of Roadmap for ISTA accreditation of the central laboratory, including guidelines for the application.

* Undertake other duties as might be required within the frame of the assignment. 


Expected outputs and deliverables:

- Capacity development program for ASA in the field of seed sector ISTA and OECD accreditation. The capacity building program shall include recommendations on specific training topic required for accreditation

- Proposal on improvement of seed certification system in Azerbaijan

- Roadmap which will include Action plan and guidelines on application for obtaining ISTA and OECD accreditation/

  acceptance of Central Seed Testing Laboratory

- Consultant will make presentation/workshop on his/her recommendations and discuss them with the ASA, PMU and all concerned parties.

- Final Report reflecting recommendations on all above-mentioned, including analysis and recommendations.


Duration of the assignment

It is estimated that a total input of 30 work/days will be required, deployed in few missions on site during the period September 2021 - November, 2021. The first mission to Azerbaijan is scheduled for October 2021.


The shortlisting criteria are:

* Advanced university degree in agronomy (expert on seed system / variety testing and registration, seed processing, seed system regulations);

* Over ten years' experience in the subject field(s)

* Previous experience with World Bank-funded projects and understanding of its requirements is preferable

* Previous experience of working in the region/country would be an asset.

* Excellent written and spoken English and strong writing skills;

* Working knowledge of Azerbaijani and/or Russian language is asset, but not a requirement

* Sharing knowledge and experience, communicating ideas and managing information flow;

* Good inter-personal and communication skills.

* Excellent knowledge of Microsoft office programs


The Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.


The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants] by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011 edition, revised July 2014 (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of interests. 

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultancy method set out in the Consultant Guidelines.


Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) by September 23, 2021.


Agency for Agro Credit and Development under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan/Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project

Attn: Mr. Anar Azimov

Project Director

1965, Z.Bunyadov avenue, Chinar Park Business Center, AZ1075, Baku, Azerbaijan

Tel: (+99 412) 525 01 17

E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]

Web: www.akia.gov.az 


Further information can be obtained at the address above during office hours 09:00 - 18:00.


Digər Xəbərlər


XƏBƏR LENTİ Bütün xəbərlər






Hamımızın Azərbaycan adlı bir Vətəni var! Qoynunda dünyaya göz açdığımız, minbir nemətindən dadıb isti qucağında boya-başa çatdığımız bu əvəzolunmaz diyar azərbaycanlı adını qürur və iftixarla daşıyan hər kəs üçün müqəddəs və ülvidir.
Müzəffər Ali Baş Komandan İlham Əliyevin rəhbərliyi ilə Azərbaycan Ordusu Vətən müharibəsində zəfər çalaraq erməni işğalçılarını kapitulyasiyaya məcbur etdi, düşməni qovaraq ərazi bütövlüyünə nail oldu.
Bununla da Azərbaycan yeni inkişaf dövrünə qədəm qoydu.
Bu dövrdə dünyada mürəkkəb və ziddiyyətli proseslər davam etməkdədir!
Hələ də dünyada ədalətsizliklər mövcuddur!
Hələ də dünyada ikili standartlar var!
Hələ də dünyada güclülər zəiflərin haqqını tapdalamaq istəyir!
Odur ki, biz daima güclü olmalıyıq.
Güclü olmağın əsas şərti isə bizim birliyimizdir!
Dünyanın harasında yaşamağımızdan, hansı sahədə çalışmağımızdan asılı olmayaraq, əlbir və əlaqəli fəaliyyət göstərməyi bacarmalıyıq.
Azərbaycan naminə, onun dünyada yeri, yüksək nüfuzu uğrunda daim birlikdə mübarizə aparmalıyıq.
Yalnız bu halda anamız Azərbaycanı qoruya, yüksəldə və hamımız üçün qürur mənbəyinə çevirə bilərik.
Ulu yurdumuzun adını daşıyan "Azərbaycan" qəzeti də bu amala xidmət edir.
Əziz azərbaycanlılar! Sizi Azərbaycan naminə, övladlarımızın firavan və xoşbəxt gələcəyi uğrunda əlbir və əlaqəli fəaliyyətə çağırıram!

