04 Iyul 2020 00:13
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Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population toward the cost of the Employment Support Project

Position/Title: Trainer (Business)

Project/Office: Employment Support Project (ESP) under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment


Project Implementation Unit:

The PIU will be responsible for the procurement, financial management, social and environmental requirements, as well as monitoring and regularly reporting on the implementation of the three components, in compliance with World Bank fiduciary and reporting requirements.

Responsibilities and tasks:

The followings are the responsibilities of Trainer (Business):

In the scope of this project, PIU will contract services of trainers, who will work under the direct supervision of PIU Coordinator. The trainer shall coordinate activities with the relevant PIU specialists. The training programme in this project will be the current 40 hours class-based ILO's "Start and Improve Your Business” (SIYB) training module.

* The Trainer performs the following tasks:

* Deliver trainings on entrepreneurship and business plan development to beneficiaries. Each trainer is expected to deliver 1-4 training sessions, 10 days each / 4-hours a day. The trainings are conducted in the regions listed in the Background section of this ToR.

* Approximately 2.200 beneficiaries will be trained in 27 regions and 9 persons will be trained per each trainer. (Taking into consideration situation with the Covid 19 it was decided that 10 persons in total can participate in trainings (9 beneficiaries + 1 trainer).

* Provide full support and coaching during the practical exercises: gives guidance and feedback on the homework and performed exercises, corrects and explains.

* Encourage business idea generation by beneficiaries through actively sharing information on various possible business opportunities, as well as through using examples of other successful entrepreneurs from vulnerable groups.

* Based on developed criteria, perform first instance evaluation of the business plans and presents to Evaluation Committee for review those considered to be best eligible for grant financing. This is expected to be done at the end of each training course, but can be combined for logistic convenience if agreed by PIU.

* Organize possible training sessions online taking into account the situation with Coronavirus Disease 2019.

* Participate in follow up visits to ensure the knowledge acquired at the business training is applied "on-the-job” (trainer shall visit each group participant during the first four months of business operations - one per month, approx. 4 hours each)).

The objectives of follow-up after training are to:

* Reinforce skills and help end beneficiaries to transfer business training skills to work conditions;

* Identify problems faced by end beneficiaries in managing provided assets and help solve these problems;

* and

* Gather information on the performance of end beneficiaries and the conditions that influence performance, in order to improve the implementation of business plan.

Minimum requirements to become an eligible candidate for the position of Trainer (Business):

* Resident of Azerbaijan, fluency in written and spoken Azerbaijani language is mandatory, English will be an asset;

* University degree and certificate in conducting of research and training based on the last ILO's "Start and Improve Your Business” (SIYB) training module;

* At least 3 years of experience in delivery of trainings in the required field;

* Working experience in regions will be an asset;

* Experience in provision of business consultancy to entrepreneurs or own entrepreneurship experience will be an asset;

* Membership in a training or business association will be an asset,

* Experience with organizational development or leadership training will be considered an asset. Excellent facilitation, training, research and analytical skills are required;

* Excellent skills in coordination, reporting and extracting necessary and relevant information are a must;

* Outstanding time-management, organizational and interpersonal skills;

* Strong communication and presentation skills.

Applicants should send CV to the following email address:

E-mail: [email protected]

Application deadline: July 27, 2020


Please mention the Project and name of vacancy in the mail subject

* Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

Digər Xəbərlər


XƏBƏR LENTİ Bütün xəbərlər






Hamımızın Azərbaycan adlı bir Vətəni var! Qoynunda dünyaya göz açdığımız, minbir nemətindən dadıb isti qucağında boya-başa çatdığımız bu əvəzolunmaz diyar azərbaycanlı adını qürur və iftixarla daşıyan hər kəs üçün müqəddəs və ülvidir.
Müzəffər Ali Baş Komandan İlham Əliyevin rəhbərliyi ilə Azərbaycan Ordusu Vətən müharibəsində zəfər çalaraq erməni işğalçılarını kapitulyasiyaya məcbur etdi, düşməni qovaraq ərazi bütövlüyünə nail oldu.
Bununla da Azərbaycan yeni inkişaf dövrünə qədəm qoydu.
Bu dövrdə dünyada mürəkkəb və ziddiyyətli proseslər davam etməkdədir!
Hələ də dünyada ədalətsizliklər mövcuddur!
Hələ də dünyada ikili standartlar var!
Hələ də dünyada güclülər zəiflərin haqqını tapdalamaq istəyir!
Odur ki, biz daima güclü olmalıyıq.
Güclü olmağın əsas şərti isə bizim birliyimizdir!
Dünyanın harasında yaşamağımızdan, hansı sahədə çalışmağımızdan asılı olmayaraq, əlbir və əlaqəli fəaliyyət göstərməyi bacarmalıyıq.
Azərbaycan naminə, onun dünyada yeri, yüksək nüfuzu uğrunda daim birlikdə mübarizə aparmalıyıq.
Yalnız bu halda anamız Azərbaycanı qoruya, yüksəldə və hamımız üçün qürur mənbəyinə çevirə bilərik.
Ulu yurdumuzun adını daşıyan "Azərbaycan" qəzeti də bu amala xidmət edir.
Əziz azərbaycanlılar! Sizi Azərbaycan naminə, övladlarımızın firavan və xoşbəxt gələcəyi uğrunda əlbir və əlaqəli fəaliyyətə çağırıram!

